TEDx Speaker

Apr 10, 2022 Honors

Invited by Georgia Tech University to present a TEDx talk on 'Women In Computing: Is it Really a Rocket Science?'

Modex Tech Conference

Mar, 2022 Tech Conferences

Represented Honeywell at Modex'22 conference for autonomous Robotics solutions

Women's Day'20

Mar 8, 2020 Tech Events

Attended the professional workshop sessions at International Women's Day

WIAD AI Speaker

Feb 22, 2020 Conferences

Gave a tech talk on 'A Beginner's Guide to AI' at WIAD conference

WIAD Conference'20

Feb 22, 2020 Conferences

Served as a panelist at 'The IA Elelement' conference of WIAD

Women In Technology

Feb 19, 2020 Tech Events

Represented Honeywell at WIT Networking event to attend the professional developement workshop

Grace Hopper Celebration' 19

Oct 2, 2019 Conferences

Selected to represent Honeywell at GHC'19 which is one of the best women tehnology confereneces

Tech Talk

Sep 23, 2019 Public Speaking

Speaker for a tech talk event on the topic 'A Beginner's Guide to Machine Learning'

Lunch & Learn

July 18, 2019 Public Speaking

Speaker for a Lunch & Learn event on the topic 'The Art of Networking'

Girls Who Code

June 18, 2019 Panelist

Panelist for the 'Girls Who Code' event which is an initiative to guide promising high school girls

RefactR. Tech Conference

June 6, 2019 Conferences

Selected for attending RefactR.Tech Conference & particpated in interesting AI, Data Science & Leadership sessions

Imposter Syndrome Event

May 30, 2019 Panelist

Served on the panel to represent SPS & discussed the symptoms and solutions of Imposter Syndrome

Technology Symposium

May 21, 2019 Leadership

Honored to be one of the 300 technologists selected to attend Technology Symposium at Phoenix and to lead one of the 5 SPS teams

AWS Summit Atlanta

May 1, 2019 Conferences

Attended the Machine Learning based bootcamps at AWS Atlanta Summit

GA Tech WIE Banquet

Apr 11, 2019 Tech Events

Honored to be invited for celebrating the women in computing event at Georgia Tech

STEM Challenge Symposium

March 3, 2019 Tech Events

Served as one of the judge in the STEM challenge competition where school kids of 4th-10th grade worked on Computer Science mini projects

Find Your Fit Event

Feb 26, 2019 Panelist

Served as the panelist on behalf of the SPS to discuss the perfect skill set for various Engineering roles

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