Title Associated Subject Mentor/University Description Year Project Report
Analysis of MSA tools Bioinformatics Dr. Tamer Kahveci
University of Florida
This project aims at the comprehensive performance analysis of various Multiple Sequence Alignment tools. Multiple Sequence Alignment(MSA) is a biological concept of aligning three or more sequences. The aligning of multiple sequences is one of the most fundamental problems in Bioinformatics and it has been widely used for a lot of biological applications. MSAs demand extremely sensitive computational methodologies to come up with precise results. The objective of this project is to conduct a comparative study on various MSA tools on the basis of computation time, accuracy, memory use and sequence length to identify the best use-case for each. Aug-Dec 2018 Website
Distributed Operating System Distributed Operating Systems Principle Dr. Alin Dobra
University of Florida
In this project, we have worked in five phases to implement different functions of Distributed Operating System. It includes the use of multiple actors for parallelism, implementing Gossip Protocol, Chord Protocol, researching on BitCoin functioning & implementing the Bitcoin features using Distributed Protocol. In the final phase, we used Phoenix for the web interface. The entire project has been coded in the programming language 'Elixir' Aug-Dec 2018 Code
Designing Compiler Programming Language Principles Prof Beverly Sanders
University of Florida
This project aims at designing a compiler for a new image processing language. It is carried out in JVM environment and it has incorporated all the three phases of compiler namely the front end(lexical & semantic analysis), middle end(generation of abstract syntax tree & code optimization) & back end(code generation). This project aims at designing a compiler for a new image processing language. It is carried out in several phases: Scanner, Simple Parser, Parser, Type Checker, Intermediate Code Generation, Code Generation. Jan-Apr 2018 Code
Peer2Peer Bit Torrent Networking Computer Networks Prof Ye Xia
University of Florida
In this project, we designed a P2P file sharing software similar to BitTorrent. BitTorrent is a popular P2P protocol for file distribution. Among its interesting features, we implemented the choking-unchoking mechanism which is one of the most important features of BitTorrent. All operations were assumed to be implemented using a reliable transport protocol (i.e. TCP). The interaction between two peers was symmetrical: Messages sent in both directions look the same. The protocol consisted of a handshake followed by a never-ending stream of length- prefixed messages. Whenever a connection was established between two peers, each of the peers of the connection sent a handshake message before sending other messages and thus the networking was established. Jan-Apr 2018 Code
Dynamic De Bruijn Graph Big Data for Biological Applications Dr. Christina Boucher
University of Florida
This project aims at enhancing the efficiency of DNA sequencing. The project uses De Bruijn graph as a data structure for the efficient representation of genome sequencing. In order to reduce the space complexity, I've worked on dynamic addition and removal of edges from the De Bruijn graph. It is based on two algorithmic pillars. One is the use of Hashing Algorithms, that is, a combination of Rabin Karp and Minimal Perfect Hashing is used to represent the k-mers. Another major concept is the graph representation into a forest cover to store edge information using IN, OUT matrices. This project uses the E.coli datasets for experimentation purpose. Aug-Dec 2017 Website
Proposed Research Paper
Implementation of B+ Trees Data Structure Advanced Data Structures Prof Sartaj Kumar Sahni
University of Florida
This project is dedicated to develop and to test a class B+Tree to store pairs of the form (key, value). For this project I've implemented a memory resident B+tree (i.e., the entire tree resides in main memory).It stores multiple pairs that have the same key (i.e., duplicates). The leaves are linked into a doubly linked list to support efficient range retrieval. Aug-Dec 2017 Code
Gator Companion Human Computer Intercation Prof Benjamin Lok
University of Florida
I created the Gator Companion website in order to assist in finding a travel companion. The main objective of this project is to implement the concepts of 'Human-Computer Interaction'. I conducted interviews with the age group of 15-30 years to record their expectations from a trip organizing website as a part of this project. Consequently, this website allows a user to organize short and big trips with strangers of similar interests. The website lets a user make a couple of travel choices from a pool of multiple options like desired destination, expected budget, preferred lodging, restricted meal plans, etc. In backhand, all the data entries are matched on a weighted scale according to preferred choices and as a result, users are notified with the rank list of suitable travel companions. Jan-Apr 2017 Website
Phase 1
Phase 2
Phase 3
Phase 4
Phase 5
Phase 6
Twitter Data Analysis Big Data Technology HP
Performed data analysis of 'Brexit' from open source websites like Twitter & suggested the impact on economy due to recent Europe Crisis Jun-Jul 2016
Social Networking Website 'KNOT' Website Development Dr Suma Dawn
Website dedicated for social networking among friends, colleagues and peers with the use of Web Technology and database handling concepts. It included the concepts of bootstraping, scrapping crawling, etc. Aug-Dec 2015 Report
Olympics Database Mangement Systems Ms Aditi Sharma
It was a planner website for Rio Olympics which allowed user to book tickets on behalf of the previous Olympics statistics Aug-Dec 2014
Online Customer Sales Management Database Management System Prof Markus Schneider
University of Florida
It was a database project of online customer sales which reflected the detailed trends of the customer preferences,the annaul profits, the most profitable product, etc. to give a statistical prediction for future business Jan-Apr 2017 Phase 1
Phase 2
Phase 3
Healing Mangement System Networking Lab Ms Purti Kohli
The project comprised the use of bluetooth sensor & an android app which enabled users to deal with the emergency medical situation with the help of IoT concepts Jan-May 2016 Report


Title Associated Subject Mentor/University Description Year Project Report
Carichoice Major Project Ms K. Rajalakshmi
This project was a career guidance app where it discussed the available career options at different stages of education & helped the students in choosing their profession according to their skills & interests Aug-Dec 2016 Report
University Management Systems Object Oriented Programming System Dr. Manish Kumar Thakur
The project included the OOPS concepts to implement the University Management System Aug-Dec 2014
Mobile Chat App Operating Systems Dr. Gagandeep Kaur
An android app was made which enabled two users to share text messgaes Aug-Dec 2015
Communication using IOT Computer Networks Dr. Gagandeep Kaur
The major concept of the Project was to implement peer to peer (p2p) networking Jan-May 2016
Fuzzy Sttaements to Natural Language Converter Compiler Design Ms Ayushi Gupta
This assignment discussed the concepts of Compiler Design & its implentation Jan-May 2016 Report
Escape the Demon Fundamentals of Algoritms Mr Kishore Kumar Yarramshetty
Escape the Demon was basically a packman game to analyze the practical implementation of different algorithms Jan-May 2015 Report
Security System Microprocessors Ms Hema N.
A security system was made with the help of arduino to implemnt the Microprocessors & controllers concepts Jan-May 2015 Report
Development using Solar Lights Multimedia Lab Ms Niyati Aggrawal
This lab project comprised the working on Adobe Photoshop Jan-May 2015
Currency Exchange using Jflap Theory of Computation Dr. Shikha Jain
The project displayed the functionality of currency exchange while implementing the concept of vending machine Aug-Dec 2015 Report
Brainstorm Game using Linked List Data Structures Dr. Vikas Saxena
The main motto of the Brainstorm Game was the very basic implementation of Data Structures & graphics Jan-May 2014 Report


Title Associated Subject Mentor/University Description Year Project Report
Divergent Thinking Divergent Thinking Dr. Christina Mullen
University of Florida
The course comprises the importance of Divergent Thinking Principles in Engineering Jan-Apr 2018 Presentation
CRM Strategies of HP Customer Relationship Management Dr. Shirin Alavi
The project threw light on the CRM Strategies adopted by HP to enhance its business Aug-Dec 2016 Report
Management Analysis of 'Impressions fest' Project Manangement Dr. Santoshi Sen Gupta
The project discussed the importance of Project Management concepts in organizing the Annual Fest Jan-May 2016 Report
Medical Case File Social & Legal Issues Dr. Shirin Alavi
The project comprised of a Medical Case study where a patient has suffered due to medical negligence Aug-Dec 2015
Hewlett Packard Finances Fiannacial Management Dr. Shirin Alavi
The project reflected the annual audit of HP Jan-Apr 2015
Environment Impacts of 'Dabur' Factory Environmental sciences Dr. Neeraj Wadhwa
The project discussed the working of a factory & the measures taken by it to avoid environmental pollution Jan-Apr 2015
Intentional Change Theory Project Group and Co-operative Processes Dr. Santoshi Sen Gupta
The project highlighted the concept of group working in a project Jan-Apr 2014
'An exotic day' Presentation Presentation & Communication Ms Puneet Pannu
The project revolved around the experience of a group visit at a particular place Aug-Dec 2013